
Contact Us

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

Address:  16850 Bear Valley Rd
Victorville, CA 92395

Get Directions
Phone: 760-241-8000

Please refer to the following phone directory, if you are looking for a specific department/service.

If you need information about medical records, click here.

Hospital Billing760-241-8000

Health Education760-955-WELL

Occupational Medicine760-245-2474

Medical Library760-241-1200


Urgent Care760-241-8000, ext. 8600

Media Relations

We understand the importance of transparency and relationship building in the communities we serve and welcome any media inquiries about our services and events. If you are a member of the media, please feel free to contact our Communications Department 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Media Contact:

Andrea Bell, Coordinator, Business Development and Marketing

Office: 760-241-8000 x8568
